Monday, October 03, 2005

Renovation Rant

Just like on TV. Just without the drama, excitement, amusement, entertainment...
From The Antisocial Bastard and The Iron Yuppie, creators of the critically ignored Antisocial Rant, comes their latest and greatest production. Coming to you this Summer, it is: ANTISOCIAL RANT!
The colours have never been better or talented. Antisocial Rant now stars colouring E486, E489, E156, and E398 as 'Miscellaneous background colour number 3', and introducing E186 in its weblog début.
No more bland layout. Antisocial Rant now features an edgier format, designed by the world's most famous and renowned fashion designers (well, it's actually made by some dude).
Antisocial Rant has been remodelled to feature 50% more political satire, 75% more explosions, 90% more gratuitous nudity and product placement, the exact same amount of comedy (ie. none), 200% more sex appeal, and .001% less boredom.
You want a plot. You got it. Antisocial Rant now has more plot twists than you can poke a stick at. Two terrorists for every corrupt politician. A hot steamy romance for every hot lusty affair (keep watching for the revelation between the love interest and her sister's cousin's uncle's evil wicca stepmother, twice removed). You want feelgood stories about a cat that can count, or fat people. You got it. This script was written by the finest writers in Hollywood, and stolen word for word from their respective TV sitcoms.
Critics have applauded Antisocial Rant, including: "Utter Crap. 5 stars" and "What in the hell is an Antisocial Rant? Get out of my house, you". Want to know what they are talking about. There's only one way to find out.
Antisocial Rant. Coming to a cinema near you.

Rated PG-13. Batteries not included.

No viewing of Antisocial Rant would be complete without official Antisocial Rant merchandise. Available from all good shops right now: The Iron Yuppie action figure, bottles of lost, the Antisocial Rant soundtrack, and the official Antisocial Bastard bootleg underpants. Buy them! (don'T mAke me reSorT to insErting an aRrAy of sublimiNal messages in this posT)

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