Tuesday, April 12, 2005

SEX! Now that I've got your attention...

New and Improved Antisocial Rant: Now with 24-7 girl-on-girl action (action) (action)
Is it me, or have the promos for TV shows taken a rather sharp slide in quality since the start of 2005?

Biggest example: Channel 10 and The OC. Never watched the show myself, but I've seen the ads to know enough about the show. According to Channel 10, the OC seems to be nothing but a hot lesbian porno based in California. Each and every episode promises more hotter and sluttier "girl-on-girl action", with some of that useless family and relationship drama filler thrown in between the big all-female orgies.
A bit of an overstatement, yes. But take a look see at the ads. In big, bright letters: "Girl-On-Girl Action". Not once, not twice, but thrice splashed all over the screen. In bright, pretty colours. Complete with the throaty female voice over.
However, despite these promises of good old lesbian lovin', they've yet to deliver on this promise (according to a reliable source who began watching the show for said lovin'). It might be okay if this is the first week of promos, but the ads have promised this visual orgy for about...oh I dunno...since the start of the year, all in a ploy to attract the lucrative Horny-teen-male demographic who people want to associate with so much.
At some point, however, this ratings-inspired promise does eventually come at one point (pun kinda-sorta intended) halfway towards the season, when the two girls (look away now if you're an OC watcher) kiss. That's right, a simple peck. Lemme ask you this. When I spout the words "girl-on-girl action", what's the first thing that pops into your head? Hot lesbian loving, that's what. And I dare say, a peck does not constitute the aforementioned loving.
Ten, though, have a different mindset. According to them, "girl-on-gril action" refers to the emotional and relationship development between the two girls. Give me four people on the face of the planet who thinks "emotions" when "girl-on-girl action" is mentioned (who isn't a Ten exec, an ultra-conservative lock-in, or someone who still believes in cooties and germlocks), and I'll give you a pat on the head.
I know that I may should like a disappointed viewer hoping for some satisfaction from an M rated rip-off of Melrose Place or 90210. But this isn't the first time that Channel 10 have featured stoggy promos and left many disappointed apart from the many horny teens who are getting rather impatient.

Take another show on the same channel, on the same day, just before the OC. That's right, The Simpsons. One famous example was the promotion of an episode as a rip-off of another (much more successful) TV show, Lost. As it turns out, the show had nothing to do with the show. Same thing with another episode which Ten claimed was the "inspiration for The Aviator" (their words).
Another classic example: Big Brother 04. Big surprises were expected. Big surprises were promoted for about 6 months. What was the surprise: A $1 million prize. Who in the hell cares?
Two more examples: The HotHouse and The Resort. Promoted as being the next big thing in reality TV shows. Guess what? They both bombed, nay, they crashed and burned their way into that special level of hell reserved for reality show participants and drugged-up child actors.

Getting back to the OC, many people are switching off their TVs during that hot hot hour, alienated by the promo spin, or they've lost all hope in getting that girl-on-girl action. So why are Ten still (falsely) promoting the OC as one of those naughty films? And until the kiss (not even a 1st-base worthy one, and not even a single grope thrown in) happens, we'll have to continue being fed this perverted spin. And it's bound to continue, with the upcoming reality diatribe that is Skippy Idol, and its claims of the next big thing in muzak (but, series 2 winner, Casey's fall and fall, note the lack of 'rise', will have to wait for another day)

On the next Antisocial Rant: Hot girl-on-girl action (action) (action)
NB. No actual guarantees. Just strongly worded suggestions.

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